2020 Holiday Playlist



I’ve always said that Football Season is my favorite season; however, the Christmas season is a very close second. These two “seasons” share at least one thing in common: generational traditions that are innately personal to every family. It is no wonder that I have at least a dozen Texas Longhorn-themed ornaments on my tree every year, but I digress.

One tradition near and dear to every family is holiday music. I’d like to share a few stories about what holiday music means to me. As a child, my mom taught me to wrap presents to the gentle hum of Willie Nelson’s “Pretty Paper” in the background. The theme song to “A Charlie Brown Christmas” by Vince Guaraldi was my ringtone until my phone rang during an Oral Argument and the Judge scolded me (I lost that argument and changed my ringtone, by the way). My brother and I used to sing Run D.M.C.’s “Christmas in Hollis” until our throats were sore. I still know all the words. So does he. And, more recently, I’ve come to love Bright Eyes’ version of “Little Drummer Boy”. Bruce, Will, Emma, and I play it on repeat every year when we place ornaments on our tree. This tradition has emerged as one of the least chaotic moments we share as a family. I’m so grateful for those moments because the older I get the more chaotic life seems to become.

Anyway, I’d love to hear some of your favorite holiday traditions and songs. Meanwhile, I prepared the following playlist for you and yours to enjoy this season. In my 30s, I made a playlist every year and sent it out as my Holiday Greeting. The process was always so joyful for me, and hearing the joy the music spread made me very happy. Life got really busy in my 40s and the tradition just faded away. Given how difficult 2020 has been for all of us, I think it is high time I bring back that tradition. In the words of Elf, “the best way to spend Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear.” May these songs inspire you to sing until your throats are sore. Click here to listen. Happy Holidays, Y'all!

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